Thursday, May 23, 2013

Faux Patio Camping

Husband finished his last final for the semester, and Little Nu's and I are ecstatic! I have so many ideas taking shape in my notebook of what I'd like to do for "our Holiday" aka Summer Vacation. Some of my ideas are big things like Disneyland, a trip to the Oregon Coast to visit the Sand Dunes, maybe a little gander at Monterey Bay Aquarium... then some, more "realistic" home-rooted ideas like building forts, making massive domino mazes and having a water gun family show down.

So, tonight as I returned home from a church activity and a few errands, I saw a wonderous sight on the patio! One of my very own checklist items coming to life! Husband had set up Little Honey's tent to take in the perfect, not yet scorching, evening air. We quickly ordered a Bug Off! screen from Amazon so that we can continue the faux camping while the weather is still fine. So thankful for our Prime account that allows us 2 day shipping, so we'll have it here by the weekend. Yay! Time to line up the chocolate, marshmallows, chocolate, grahams, and of course some chocolate... oh and don't forget the CHOCOLATE, for s'more action! My favorite is Hershey's Symphony with Almonds... delectable!

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