We have been having so much fun with Fall homeschool preschool! This is my favorite time of year so I love to theme it
throughout and fuel our lesson plans. This is what we did for our Ghost Unit...
We started off with bead counting. I found the idea on Pinterest, and it originates from
childcareland.com, however I couldn't find a printable for it, so I made my own.
You're welcome to save it and print it for your own ghost learning fun!
I printed this off then laminated it and hole punched it, wrapping the
pipe cleaner (cut in half) to the side for the beads to be counted on.
We Also did A ghost lace card, which was good timing seeing as that morning
I found her shoes unlaced all the way. Learning to lace came in quite handy.
I used the scraps from my bead counting laminate and cut it to shape,
using sharpie for the face and hole punching the edges.
I got the idea from
Next was ghost bead counting. For this I had picked up some ghost beads last Halloween on clearance
at a local craft store, and cut some black cardstock into quarters, drawing haunted houses with white crayon.
Each haunted house had a numeral written with that number of haunting windows for the ghosts to spook from
After treating on some festive Ghost Peeps, I told the story of The Chocolate Chip Ghost.
I've seen a few different takes on it, but my favorite was the one featured on
sandytoesandpopsicles.com She includes her ADORABLE (FREE) printable,
which I printed and laminated. We had so much fun with the story,
she had to retell the story to her daddy when he came home that night.
We then concluded our school time with a fun Ghost craft. They came out SO cute.
A big thanks to
notimeforflashcards.com for inspiring this spooktacular craft!
You can find the (easy!) full step-by-step tutorial there!
Materials needed: Contact paper, white tissue paper/white streamers, black cardstock,
scissors and we used a black sparkle craft cardboard that has a sticky back (these I was given by a friend)
You could use black cardstock, sticky-backed foam, or even some googley eyes!
This activity was great for practicing to use scissors because you don't
have to be exact with where you're cutting so it helps with getting acquainted and comfortable with using them.
After you're done cutting your scraps, you fill in your ghost cut outs that are secure to the contact paper.
Then it's time for the eyes! I love to see where the eyes end up,
I feel like it gives the craft personality and makes the ghosts come to life.
Here's the finished product!
We had a spooky good time!