More fun fall learning:
I wanted to introduce her to graphing, and what better way to collect data than with sorting and counting Candy Corn?!
She was fully engaged in the assignment and we were both pleased with the results in the end!
The graph we used can be found as a printable from firstgradepizzazz
We had 3 different types of candy corn and I had them ready in their own little bowls.
Each time that we selected one from a bowl we would then color in the appropriate box with the corresponding color,
then we would proceed to tally. At the very end, we calculated our data, and made conclusions based off of the data,
and tasted the data as well!
Another Fall Math activity we did was a dice game. We rolled the dice and found the corresponding number on the parts of the Jack-o-lantern to put it all together. The Jack-o-lantern that I used is from Alana Lee Designs
Here are some other random activites that we've done this fall and loved:
Sequencing a Jack-o-lantern:
(original printable can be found at Little Gene Green Bean)
Halloween Number Dot:
(Original FREE printable can be found on teachers pay teachers)
Last year I was really upset when I went to get out my Halloween decorations and festivities
only to find that I had misplaced the box that had all of my Halloween story books.
So this year I made sure that it was right where it was supposed to be so that we could enjoy them this time!
(And, of course, I had misplaced the box of goodies I had collected LAST year instead!! ...We'll get it right next year!)
One of the books in our Halloween Library is the Plumply Dumply Pumkin by Mary Serfozo.
I found this adorable activity to go along with this story from iheartcraftythings where they go on a pumpkin hunt around the house (great for a rainy day!) and then once all the pumpkins are collected, they are then sorted into appropriately marked buckets indicating plumply or bumply! Seeing as how she had used a pattern she had gotten out of an old magazine to print out her plumply or bumply pumpkins, I found myself putting together my own printable. Hope it can help make things smoother if you're in a fix for awkwardly bumpy pumpkins.
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